Saturday, October 12, 2013

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Surfing in Phuket プケットでのサーフィンアドベンチャー

During my week off work Polly and I made our way down to Phuket and Hua Hin. Shortly after our arduous bus ride we arrived sleepily to our hostel before 10am. After getting ourselves situated in our room we made our way downstairs in search for some breakfast. When we got downstairs people were crying and screaming. A woman who worked as a waitress next door collapsed from a heart attack. Polly, being a nurse, ran to her and gave her cpr. Unfortunately it was too little too late and the woman died. The 26 year old was well liked in the area. The faces of everyone around told the story pretty well. She will be missed dearly by everyone who met her.
After this sobering scene I walked toward Kata beach to rent myself a surf board. The waves had good size and I lucked into a surf shop offering over 60 boards to chose from. I surfed until I could barely walk. On the way back I witnessed another horrible scene. Two Chinese men were struggling in the surf. They had the brilliant idea of swimming in red flag conditions and were caught in a rip, doing what not to do, swimming towards shore. Jet ski's were circling them, trying to grab them and pull them up. One man got on, the other missed. Then a wave broke over the struggling man's head and he went under water never to be found until two days later. So my first day in Phuket I watched two people die.
The rest of the trip was full of romantic dinners and lots of surfing. I enjoyed the ocean. I missed it.


Our hotel in Hua Hin

Delicious sweets made from Taro root and sugar.

Kata beach