Friday, September 13, 2013

Laos 2013 ラオス2013

I had to leave Thailand to get an extended tourist VISA. What better place to do this than Laos. We were mainly in the capital, Vientiane the whole time we were there which made us both want to go back and see more.


Lao Beer, the national beer. Quite a  tasty lager, no head and not really fine color but tastes quite hoppy and nice.

Mekong river view at sundown. メコン川の夕日は奇麗!

There are very few taxi's but plenty of tuk tuk's.

Lao presidential palace ラオスの大統領の宮殿

Laos former leader

The Mekong river


Wat Si Saket, the oldest standing temple in Vientiane. ラオスの最古お寺、シ シャケットっていうお寺です。





Lao dogs have a reputation of being viscous but we only encountered ones with a cuddly demeanor. ラオスの犬は怒りっぽいな名声だけどこの犬は恋している

ラオス語の勉強 studying Laotian.