Lao Beer, the national beer. Quite a tasty lager, no head and not really fine color but tastes quite hoppy and nice. |
Mekong river view at sundown. メコン川の夕日は奇麗! |
There are very few taxi's but plenty of tuk tuk's. |
Lao presidential palace ラオスの大統領の宮殿 |
Laos former leader |
The Mekong river |
ラオスの一番有名な君主 |
Wat Si Saket, the oldest standing temple in Vientiane. ラオスの最古お寺、シ シャケットっていうお寺です。 |
メコン川の夕日 |
ラオス料理のバイキング!うまい!!! |
desert! |
ポリと僕は探検家になった |
Lao dogs have a reputation of being viscous but we only encountered ones with a cuddly demeanor. ラオスの犬は怒りっぽいな名声だけどこの犬は恋している |
ラオス語の勉強 studying Laotian. |
It is very beautiful Buddhist country!!